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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  September 22, 2010 1:05am-3:00am PST

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and go to to learn about an offer to help you get started. depression hurts. cymbalta can help. [ speaking spanish ] ♪ [ male announcer ] old el paso stand 'n stuff taco shells. old el paso. feed your fiesta. go-gurt is specially made to freeze and thaw by lunch time? so kids can have their favorite yogurt in their lunch box go-gurt. freeze it. thaw it. eat it up. ♪
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a google street view has helped millions of people with directions by literally mapping roads worldwide. >> it also has delivered a few maps that really make you do a double-take at your screen. turning street views into a kind of where's waldo. here's nick watt. >> reporter: a body on the street. a body of a young girl.
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is this a murder? caught on street view. a concerned surfer contacted the local newspaper to go down there and investigate it. turns out she's fine. a 9-year-old girl who just happened to be playing dead when a street view camera car passed by. the latest in an explosion of street view strangeness. an apparent san francisco break-in. aging italian lotharios. checking it out. a dutch contractor showing crack. an arrest in st. louis. and -- yeah. there are websites cataloging this stuff. if either of us were one of the people caught walking in or out of a sex shop on street view, we might not think this is quite so funny. >> no, but you can report the image as inappropriate. if it's your house you can say i want this removed. google are very quick at taking those images down. >> reporter: they blur all faces and license plates anyway but
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here are a couple of images that google has removed. and one they probably will remove upon seeing this report. we did the blurring. i'm sorry to say there's a whole site devoted to prostitutes spotted on street view. to the uninitiated here's how street view works. google camera cars drive around photographing streets, they've done 23 countries so far. then you click and drag the little orange man onto any street you want. voila. some people seem to know the cameras are coming and put on a little show. on a suburban norwegian street -- >> two men sitting in full scuba gear with umbrellas start chasing the car down the road with pitchforks. >> reporter: others are happy to see the cars. this english woman -- yes, exactly. this danish guy tried to take a
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photo of the car and wiped out. others are just weird. this boy's been spotted twice in northern scotland. others are angry. the germans, next in line for street view, are concerned. for me it's a question of principle, claims their foreign minister. i will do all i can to prevent it. more likely compromise, by which any german can demand his house is not shown. in the u.s., google is under investigation after admitting that its cars mistakenly sucked up personal information that's flying around in wi-fi hot spots. but today, the most interesting street view snaps are the random catches. slices of life that people don't know they're people watched. >> half of the things you see haven't even been filmed yet. >> reporter: plenty of weirdness is spotted every day. mostly by accident. i actually go on street view with the express purpose of
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trying to find something. you could be on there for days. >> you could be on there for the rest of your life. >> reporter: but if you uncover a doozy, could it all be worth it? i'm nick watt in london. >> for the directionally and geographically challenged like me, google's been a huge, huge help. >> amazing to see what they've done, you can see any street like that. >> it creeps you out a little bit. in case you're doing something -- >> what are you doing on the streets people shouldn't see, rob? >> and we'll be right back. wswst
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it's "skinny" time. we have a quick update. "dancing with the stars" booted off the first person. >> the hoff is out of there. >> a lot of people didn't think he would be the first one. he says it was a great ride, his daughter blamed it on his bad knees, they called it an arthritic cha-cha. he was tied with the lowest
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score with margaret cho. now he is gone. no more of the hoff. >> bye-bye, right? we'll update you every week as all these stars get cast aside. different kind of news here too. apparently the son of aretha franklin was involved in some kind of incident in detroit monday night. he was apparently attacked. there's weird discrepancies in the story, stories that are coming out at this point. they say there was a press release from the spokeswoman of the family saying he was attacked by two men and a woman late monday, had to go into surgery. but they're saying -- these are where the differences come in. the hospital said he came here, was treated and released, but there was no surgery. then they say the attack happened near a gas station, police come out and say, wait a minute, there's not a gas station in that area. they're trying to piece together what happened here. no official report just yet. apparently there was some kind of attack but kind of the details of the treatment and the details of why and how is still up in the air.
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we hope whatever happened he's okay. kind of a weird story. stay tuned to that one. >> they've had lately some bad news in that family. >> a lot, man. >> our prayers of course with the family. >> always. >> hope everything's okay. james gandolfini has gotten so forhe rs aying a mobster i have to follow thrles >> he's in his truck inpholnd he ove not only is he running a stop sign, helkins ce phone. they pull him over, lo ad beoldread a that's been suspended. they immediately had to ca p teyundd truck, now he basically has to n that is willing or able to give him a ride from here to there. >> probably had no trouble finding a ride, tony soprano. probably pretty easy task. >> can you imagine pulling him pi t inid e pro liket t >> what are you talking about? >> i'm a little nervous here. >> huge "sopranos" fan. i he'll call his friends and have that officer dealt with.
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this will not surprise you whatsoever here. "the jersey shore," your favorite reality show of all-time. guess who's going to pose for "playboy." jwow is apparently being offered 400,000 bucks to bare it all in the covers of "playboy" magazine. >> wow, bare more than that? >> that's the deal, apparently -- this is not a first. many reality stars have shed it all for the magazine. she's the latest to be offered. can't imagine her saying no. it's not a done deal just yet. $400,000. >> do they know when she would be -- i guess she has to say yes first. >> say yes first and work out the time line. she obviously has had some surgical enhancements. i wonder how it will detract from the spread. they are kind of blatantly not hers. >> i'm sure you'll give me the full report. >> i'll do some journalism on that. >> michael douglas was on the red carpet for the premiere "wall street: money never sleeps." of course it's the big sequel.
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you know he's struggling with throat cancer. his co-workers, i guess i should say actors, they're saying he put on a really brave face, they say it's been a struggle, certainly tough, but he's a fighter.
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here are some stories to watch today on abc news. president obama meets with dozens of state insurance commissioners today to discuss new health care policies. then the president heads to new york for tomorrow's u.n. general assembly meeting. researchers say one-quarter of the nation's highways are in rough shape. a new study out this morning shows the average american motorist spends $400 a year on car repairs because of those bad roads. actor kevin costner is on capitol hill today. he will testify at a security hearing on the gulf oil disaster. finally this half hour, beating back bedbugs. those little suckers have literally invaded america, turning up just about everywhere now. >> homes to hotels, even clothing stores, and there are new weapons to fight the pests.
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barbara pinto reports from the north american bedbug summit. >> reporter: the war on bedbugs has come to this -- a first-ever national convention showcasing the latest weapons. dogs trained to detect the tiny insects and devices that kill them. basically this is how they hitch a ride? >> right, bedbugs will hitch a ride in your stuff, in your belongings. >> reporter: this electric heater bakes at 120 degree, killing any stowaways. if they infest your furniture, this trailer-sized version is big enough for mattresses. warren chasnick goes to the other extreme, freezing the bugs. >> it will kill them on contact. >> so this makes snow? >> yes, it does. i'll show you. >> reporter: scott lindie, an exterminator, came all the way to chicago from new jersey. >> ten out of ten calls just on bedbugs. >> reporter: that's because the blood-sucking insects have grown more resistant to pesticides. the state of ohio was so
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desperate it petitioned the epa to use a banned chemical to fight them. killing these tiny bugs costs big money, almost $1,000 for the average home, thousands more for businesses and apartment buildings. none of it is covered by insurance. that's what scared adam garvin. he works for the housing authority in bloomington, illinois. >> i could have a building with one apartment having bedbugs to having 100 apartments. >> reporter: urban areas are the hardest hit. the most infested cities stretch from coast to coast. at the top, new york, where bedbugs have invaded movie theaters, retail stores, even the empire state building. >> we actually use new york city as a barometer for what we think is going to happen across the country in the next five to ten years. >> reporter: that may be enough to keep you up at night. barbara pinto, abc news, rosemont, illinois. >> you see what's happening behind us? >> oh, man, look at that. vinita out. >> i can't get it off!
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let me out of here!qaqaqaqaqaqaa
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new benefits. the first health care reform policies take effect tomorrow. the personal and political impact. then, political push. the first lady takes her popularity on the road. will she get as much attention as sarah palin? and, going solo. he helped the killers rock to success. >> we became a really powerful live band. >> now brandon flowers' next musical move. it's tuesday, september 22nd. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning, everybody, i'm rob nelson. >> i'm vinita nair. major changes are just a day away for the nation's health care system. >> two key components of the
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health care overhaul go into effect and they will have an immediate impact. steven portnoy is in washington with the latest. >> reporter: later today, president obama heads to northern virginia to mark the six-month anniversary of the health care reform law, hailing some of the new protections that take effect this week. 4-year-old myra rakers' life will change this thursday in ways she's probably too young to understand. >> in the next couple of days, the most sweeping set of consumer protections go into law. >> reporter: protections like a ban on insurance companies imposing a lifetime limit on essential health benefits. just four years into her life, myra has had a kidney transplant and already hit her $500,000 lifetime coverage cap. >> they won't pay the claims. >> reporter: come september 23rd the insurance companies won't have a choice. >> just a huge weight has been lifted off of our shoulders. >> reporter: insurers will no longer be allowed to deny coverage to children even if they have pre-existing
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conditions, or stop providing coverage to customers because of technical errors on past applications. of course, these consumer protections don't come without a cost. >> impact is likely to be fairly small, 1% to 2% in terms of overall premium impact. >> reporter: republicans say they'll try to repeal parts of what they deride as obama care if they win control of congress. they'll especially target those provisions that will require people to buy health insurance. the white house urges americans to withhold judgment. >> more protections will come online over the next few months and years as health care reform gets phased in. >> reporter: with polls showing health care reform no more popular now, six months after passage, than it was during the debate, the white house is hoping more people come around to liking it as the reforms take effect. vinita, rob? president obama's top economic adviser larry summers plans to resign at the end of the year. summers is the third high-level member of obama's economic team
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to leave in recent months. there is speculation the president might replace summers with a corporate executive. summers plans to return to his old job at harvard. big names are campaigning now with the crucial midterm elections just six weeks away. popular political stars from both parties are doing what they can to get the votes. here's jonathan karl. >> reporter: the white house calls her the closer. with time running out for congressional democrats they're sending her in. the first lady's political travel schedule reads like a who's who of endangered democrats. she'll stop in wisconsin for russ feingold. illinois for alexi giannoulias, running for the president's old senate seat. colorado for michael bennet. washington state for patty murray. california for barbara boxer. >> i think she will go out and make a forceful and positive case for what this administration has done. >> reporter: and former president bill clinton is out on the campaign trail too.
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now he's offering the president some free advice. >> i would say i know a lot of people are mad and a lot of people are tired. apathetic. and i respect that. because we're not yet out of the hole we've gotten in. >> reporter: mr. clinton told george stephanopoulos the president should say this to disgruntled voters. >> i'd like to see him do something i didn't do. i'd like to see him say, here's what i think this election's about, the only thing that matters is what we're going to do now? give us two more years, don't go back to the policies that dug ole. if we don't do bett thi the if we don' do ou a vote against us all and i'll b on the ballot too, vote against us all if inot >> reporter: clinton and mrs. obama have this in common. both are more popular than the president hp 6 in a recent ap poll, 68% viewed mrs. obama favorably. followed closely by mr. clinton with 65%. in contrast, in that poll, 57% viewed the president favorably. on the other side, sarah palin
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ups the ante, putting out a slick new web video that portrays her as a national leader of the tea party movement. the video shows her cheered on by enthusiastic tea partyers. >> this party that we call the tea party is the future of politics and i am proud to be here today. >> reporter: it could be argued the video does more to promote palin than the republican party. in fact, it includes 28 shots of palin, but never once mentions the word republican. the new palin video, combined with her recent trip to iowa, has many republicans speculating that she's thinking more about the next election, for president in 2012, than she is about this one. jonathan karl, abc news, capitol hill. the military ban on gays serving openly in the military will not be lifted because of a senate vote. the lawmakers may consider a repeal of that policy after november's elections. yesterday, senate republicans blocked the democratic plan to end the military policy. it was part of a defense spending bill. a prominent religious leader
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in atlanta denies allegations of sexual abuse. bishop eddie long is accused of using his authority to coerce two young men into having sex. the young men claim they were then given lavish trips, cars and even cash. they are now suing long, who is pastor of one of the nation's biggest baptist churches. a man from western new york is on his way back to north carolina, charged with killing a police chief's daughter. michael harvey appeared before a judge in new york yesterday. harvey reportedly told police valerie hamilton died after an accidental overdose of heroin. hamilton's funeral was yesterday at a church in her hometown outside charlotte. eight city officials from bell, california, are due in court this morning on corruption charges. they're accused of paying themselves huge salaries in a scandal that triggered outrage far beyond california. here now is mike von fremd. >> reporter: a raucous crowd gathered outside city hall as word spread that officials were being rounded up and arrested.
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one even had his door broken down by a police battering ram. >> they used the tax dollars collected from the hardworking citizens of bell as their own piggy bank, which they then looted at will. >> reporter: former city manager robert rizzo made nearly $800,000 a year. almost twice what the president makes. city council members were paid nearly $8,000 a month for attending meetings that either never took place, or lasted only minutes. the district attorney said that is fraud. >> this needless to say is corruption on steroids. >> reporter: the 40,000 residents of bell had been paying enormous property taxes and sewer fees and were thrilled to see those in charge thrown in jail. >> i'm ecstatic. i'm glad. it's about time they caught them. >> reporter: they were not arrested for simply making enormous ontsne - >> getting paid a zillion dollars a year is not illegal in the state of california unless you do it by illicit and illegal >> reporterials
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privats better job of b hei >> these officials thought t could get away with it and hy did get away wiit f now finally people are looking at it and saying, enoug enough. >> reportethe attorney says the eight face significant jail sentences. this is the biggest corrupti scandal to be prosecuted in california in three decades. mike von fremd, abc news. buckle up, it could be a rough ride. new research shows how bad the nation's roads are and what it is going to cost drivers. the study says nearly one-quarter of major highways are substandard. that is a slight improvement from three years ago. the repair costs to the average motorists because of the poor conditions are about $402 a year. here's your wednesday weather now. severe storms h city and des moines. downpours and flash flooding from the dakotas to minnesota. showers across the ohio valley and new england. more thunderstorms in south texas. drenching rain in the four
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corners of the southwest. >> 79 in albuquerque. salty. and 6i bi 80s omaansa 82 in boston. 91 in atlanta. 88 in miami. my favorite story of the morning. we're goia biin my adopted hometown of t big it's sure to be a sweet success no tt yu >> bakers in new orleans are attempting to make the world's biggest king cake. they are using 4,000 pounds of flour, more than 400 eggs, and a ton of icing. >> they plan to wrap it around the superdome twice. slices of cake will be sold to benefit breast cancer research. the bakery making the cake is a favorite of the, what willis, super bowl champion new orleans saints. >> i'm sure you've had a good number of these. >> oh, come mardi gras time and carnival season they are huge down there. a little plastic baby inside. a new orleans delicacy. >> a girl gets to be the queen and the boy gets to be the king, whoever gets the baby in the cake?
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>> part of the tradition, or buys the next cake if you get the ba >> i'm all the that invlvemuch cake in order to find something inside. two of my favorite things, a >> we'll be back. z let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement nsurance card, too.
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president obama posthumously awarded the medal of honor to chief master sergeant richard etchburger, killed while evacuating wounded comrades during a classified mission in laos in 1968. his three sons, who did not know about their father's top secret heroics until just recently, accepted the medal at the white house. nine americans were killed when a blackhawk helicopter crashed in afghanistan. those deaths make this year the deadliest for international forces in the afghan war. >> it was also the worst chopper disaster in more than four years. nick schifrin joins us to show us how dangerous these missions can be. >> reporter: every night, dozens of helicopters fly over some of
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the roughest terrain in the world. transporting special operations forces on secret missions. kill or capture taliban commanders. nearly a dozen of those troops were flying in a blackhawk, the military's workhorse helicopter. just before 5:00 a.m., they were trying to land, according to one official, when the helicopter crashed, immediately catching fire. this year the military has more than doubled the number of special operations raids. but they are not without risk, especially at night. abc's mike boettcher talked with three pilots. >> i would say the biggest challenges we face are landing in brown-out conditions. at night when there's little to no ambient light from the moon. >> reporter: the military trains its pilots to fly in those brown-out conditions. when the dust kicks up so much, they're virtually blind. >> you have to pick something out on the ground. something you know that's not going to move so you can keep your eyes on it when the dust starts blowing. you know it's not going to move.
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that's how we keep our bearings. >> reporter: last year we flew over the same area of this crash. helicopters are the critical method of transportation here. the only way to crisscross the country full of mountains and roads riddled with mines. >> you look at afghanistan and the terrain we're confronted with, this is really a helicopter war. >> reporter: with the surge of troops, helicopters will be even more important. meaning this crash likely won't be the last. nick schifrin, abc news, kabul. >> so often the case of the taliban is that they take credit for things that exaggerate what they were and were not able to accomplish. in this case, there's no proof they shot down that helicopter. so right now the military says there's no signs of enemy fire in that entire region. >> that's certainly good. it's an awful accident but certainly they need to get to the bottom of it as quickly as possible and see whether the taliban had anything to do with it or not. coming up, a new solo act for a rocker from the killers.
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>> brandon flowers talks about his bold musical move. that's next. wowo@t
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welcome back, everybody. back in january, the seven-time grammy nominated band the killers announced the hiatus, but their lead singer brandon flowers wasn't quite ready for a break. >> dan harris sat with flowers to talk to him about his new solo album, his religion and the future of the killers. >> reporter: why did you go solo? >> it's a couple of the guys want to take a long break. and i'm -- my ball is still rolling. >> you don't want to take a break? >> i'm going to have a couple of months off. i feel like that's -- that's
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doing it for me right now. my dad never got two months off in a year. you know. i mean, it's -- i feel like that's all right. >> how big a part of your life is it? >> it's a huge part of my life. especially as i got older. >> one of the things about mormonism is abstaining from alcohol, abstaining from caffeine, abstaining from cigarettes. we think of rock stars living a pretty decadent lifestyle. how do you do it? >> it was rough at first for me, because it's so glamorized and you read about your favorite bands and the stories and there's kind of a rock 'n' roll mythology. there's a lot of that, that's kind of expected of you at first. >> to get hammered? >> yeah. and my mom was cleaning hotels at one time so i'm cautious of leaving messes in hotels. i guess i'm a walking contradiction. but yeah. it was difficult at first. i was young, i was 22 when we first started. >> did you have moments of real temptation? >> oh, yeah, i still do. >> did you fall at any time?
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>> had my ups and downs. but it's -- i'm really -- i mean, most content and happy i've ever been right now. ♪ >> how in retrospect do you view your second album? >> i love our second album. the great thing that came from it is it put -- i always had a chip on my shoulder but the chip, you know, it really got bigger. we started playing live. and i just sang my guts out. and we wanted to show them how good this album is. and look at these people's reactions. and we became a really powerful live band by the end of "sam's town." ♪ breaking my back just to know your name ♪ ♪ 17 tracks and i've had it >> one of the things i find totally fascinating about you is you have no bones about wanting to be and to stay a big rock star.
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>> yep. i was -- i didn't know it any other way. i think i attribute it to being from where i'm from. there's -- if i were to come up to -- if the killers were to come up from new york, we would not have existed or we would just be a very small, you know, maybe indie band. because there's so much pressure to be cool everywhere else. i have no idea, these words indie, hipster, all this stuff, did not exist in nephi, utah. i liked it because i liked it. and we make songs that we like. and it doesn't matter, you know. we don't understand the idea of discriminating people, you know, from your music if they're not wanting this group to like you, not wanting that group to like you. it's about shooting for the stars. >> did you see yourself being as big as bono? >> i don't know if that will ever happen. i don't know if i have the
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social skills. but it's something that, you know, you have to admire. >> you don't set any cap, any limit on how big you want to get? >> no, no. we're going for it. you know. when i sit down at a piano or when the band gets together and we are jamming, we're trying to write something better than "where the streets have no name." that's what we're -- why wouldn't we want to? ♪ >> that was dan harris reporting. the name of that series is called "amplified." it's on "abc news now." they're always doing these really cool interviews with a lot of different artists. you can always see exactly who they are speaking to if you go to you can find other interviews that dan harris did. >> a very cool series. flowers plans to reunite with the band after his tour is done. they should all get back together in 2011. "rolling stone" actually gave the new album three of five
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stars so he's doing pretty well. ell. mascot fight we showed you yesterday, the one you saw right on the football field. a short time ago, this woman suffered from around his house. these people chose freedom over restrictions.
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independence over limitations. they chose mobility. they chosehe scooter store. and this is the team of mobility experts who made it all happen. ii great news, you've been approved for payment. dr. cruz, i'm calling on behalf ofmarie stanford. and they can make it happen for you. hi, i'm doug harrison, if you're living with limited mobility, call the scooter store today. i promise, no other company will work harder to make you mobile or do more to ensure your total satisfaction. i expected they'd help me file some paperwork with medicare and my insurance. i never expected them to be so nice or work so hard to get me a power chair at no cost to me. if we qualify you and medicare denies your claim for a w scooter or power chair, i'll give it to you absolutely free. that's the scooter store guarantee. we'll wo with your insurance company, even
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help with financing. if there's a way, we'll find it. when they delivered mom's power chair, i expected they'd show her how to use it once or twice. that man stayed for hours! whatever it takes, as long as it takes. that's our guarantee. why do we go to < uch great lengths? because making you mobile is our mission. we'llwork wit your doctor. we'll work with medicare and lçur private insurance. we'll even service your scooter anywhere in the country. call the sco÷"er store today.
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"world news now" delivers your "morning papers." >> so remember when kfc first launched the double down? >> yes. >> the sandwich everyone was talking about. the light snack. >> take a look. in case you don't remember it's two pieces of chicken that have been deep fried, in between you've got bacon and cheese and whatnot. >> no buns. >> no buns. but you know what? it looks like kfc may have found their buns. because they are now giving college women $500 a pop to hand out coupons while wearing fitted sweat pants with the words "double down" in large letters across their rear end. if you're thinking, okay -- >> that's marketing. >> exactly. in defense, they say we've taken a page out of the book of apparel companies and sororities who promoted their products like
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this for many years. shocker here. women's groups are completely outraged, saying this is not the way to sell anything. but they're saying that marketing chiefs are saying the biggest audience for the double down, the people that brought them back into regular menu, are men. in their eyes, catch a man's attention. >> there you go. >> read something on some woman's buns. >> it goes a long way in college. see how it plays out. probably won't last too long. just guessing here. now it's a "morning papers" follow. this incident at the ohio state/ohio university game where the mascots got into it. the bobcat from ohio university pulled a sneak attack on the buckeye here in the end zone. some more information has emerged. apparently this guy who really was putting it to the bobcat, attacked the buckeye, named brandon hanning. detail has surfaced. one, he's not even a student at ohio university anymore. and he all along had planned to become the mascot just to launch this attack at the game.
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the other mascot taken completely by surprise. apparently brandon joined the team or went out to become the mascot just to do what you're watching there. here's no longer in school there, goes to another college, actually. obviously sparked all kinds of apologies and whatnot from ohio university and all that stuff. >> i really enjoy watching the two of them go at it. >> i thought it was funny. this is a different pose than we're used to. a new study's out that says men do not notice women whether they're wearing flats or whether they're wearing pumps. i think most of us would be surprised. men always kind of notice -- pumps are a feminine, kind of sexy thing for a lot of guys. they're saying men don't even notice now. >> pumps is not a sexy term, say stilettos. >> excuse me. >> i have to say i disagree with this a lot. being 5'9". every time i wear heels, men notice. >> this is not your usual -- >> these are my work heels, these are not pretty heels, i didn't want to do this, rob made
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corruption crack corruption crackdown. small-town leaders accused of big-time embezzlement. the arrests and accusations. then, the promising remedy for her libido. >> it increases sensitivity to touch so a woman feels deep, pleasurable sensation. >> what makes this sex product so different. internal intruder. how a worm moved into a man's eye. it's wednesday, september 22nd. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> it's always a fun day in the news when we can talk about
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female libido. >> or worms in people's eyes. >> whatever your favorite thing. >> we're having trouble sleeping as it is, we'll just help you along that path this morning. >> in more ways than one. good morning, everybody, i'm rob nelson. >> i'm vinita nair. it was a small town scandal that triggered nationwide outrage. it involved city leaders in bell, california, who paid themselves huge salaries. >> now they're under arrest, charged with taking at least $5 million from taxpayers. diana alvear has details now from los angs. >> reporter: vinita and rob, good morning. feeling a sense of vindication now that prosecutors agree the conduct of their city leaders may have been criminal. from city leaders to suspected felons. eight former bell city officials were arrested, charged with embezzling more than $5 million of taxpayer money. >> they used the tax dollars collected from the hardworking citizens of bell as their own piggy bank, which they then looted at will. >> reporter: the alleged ringleader, former city manager
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robert rizzo. he was paid nearly $1 million to manage a city of just 40,000. city council members paid themselves more than six figures. prosecutors say they billed the city for meetings that never happened and took thousands more in illicit loans. >> many of the illeg were secured by beyond-exorbitant benefit packages. >> shame on you! shame on you! >> reporter: when the scandal broke two months ago, bell citizens were outraged. 17% of them live below the poverty line. lines form each week outside the food bank. >> very excited because justice has prevailed. >> reporter: last week, california attorney general jerry brown filed suit against several of those arrested. he wants their pay contracts voided and much of their salaries paid back. records show there are several more city workers that receive exorbitant salaries. the los angeles county district attorney said tuesday's arrests were just the beginning and that many more may follow. the prosecutor has requested no
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one be allowed to post bail until they're able to examine the source of their funding. vinita, rob? the prominent leader of an atlanta megachurch is denying sexual abuse allegations. bishop eddie long is accused of using his church authority to coerce two young men into having sex. the young men filed suit and claim they were given lavish trips, cars, even cash. long is the pastor at new birth missionary baptist church. which has more than 25,000 members. the way is clear for virginia to carry out its first execution of a woman in nearly a century. the supreme court has now refused to block tomorrow's scheduled lethal injection of teresa lewis. she was convicted of hiring two men to kill her husband and stepson back in 2002. her attorney had argued lewis is borderline mentally challenged and because of that she should be spared. at least one republican congressional candidate does not want campaign support from sarah palin. jeffrey perry from massachusetts is dismissing palin, calling her
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an entertainer. you can expect to see palin and two democratic heavyweights on the campaign trail, as john hendren reports. >> reporter: it's a battle of political titans. in the republicans' corner, sarah palin. >> i wouldn't go that far. >> reporter: in the other corner, a democratic dream team. former president bill clinton and first lady michelle obama. >> take care, thank you. >> reporter: the first lady's travel schedule is a map of endangered democrats. wisconsin for russ feingold. illinois for alexi giannoulias. colorado for michael bennett. washington state for patty murray. california for barbara boxer. >> i think she will go out and make a forceful and positive case for what this administration has done. >> reporter: they call her the closer and for good reason. 68% view mrs. obama favorably in a recent ap poll. only 27% unfavorably. making her one of the most popular democrats in the country. then there's the ever-popular bill clinton who gave president obama these talking points. >> give us two more years.
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don't go back to the policies that dug the hole. but if we don't do better, this is the last thing, if we don't do better you can vote against us all, and i'll be on the ballot too. vote against us all. >> reporter: on the other side, sarah palin, who put out a slick new web video that portrays her as a heroine of the tea party movement. >> this party we call the tea party is the future of politics and i am proud to be here today. >> reporter: that video was a glowing tribute to palin and the tea party. maybe this reveals where the party is going -- it never once mentions the word republican. john hendren, abc news, washington. the military's ban on gays serving openly in the military is staying in place, at least for now. that is because senate republicans successfully blocked an effort to repeal the controversial policy. it was part of a defense spending bill. senate democratic leaders say they will try another repeal after the november election. in its final meeting before those elections the federal
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reserve has signaled that it is ready with new support for the economy. the fed is considering adding hundredso bio do that's because of concerns about deflation. key interest rates were left unchanged after yesterday's meeting. more now from our business editor dan arnall. >> reporter: in the post-meeting statement the fed indicated their major concern right now is that inflation is, in fact, too low. there's a deflationary risk. that's why thre a abo adding mo that tends to spur inflation and keep prices going up. that sounds like a bad thing but if the alternative is that prices keep going down, people would actually be laid off as companies wouldn't be able to afford to keep the workers they have right now. >> and those key interest rates apparently will not change any time soon. the fed has repeated its pledge to leave them near 0%, at super-low levels for an extended period. the president's top economic adviser says he is leaving the white house.
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larry summers says he will quit at the end of the year. as chief political correspondent george stephanopoulos explains, he is the third member of the economic team to resign this year. >> larry summers had two years, from leaving harvard to get back and hold on to his tenure. he had told the president last year he was likely to leave at the end of this year. peter orszag, head of the office management and budget. christina romer. now larry summers have all gone. white house o summers' position winot filled until af thecion but this is not the only change in the white house. very possible, maybe likely, rahm emanuel, the chief of staff, will run for mayor of chicago. there is likely to be changes in the communication and political team as the re-election approaches. approach the opnowat iall >> that again abc's george stephanopoulos. just last month the top house republican, john boehner, demanded the president fire his economic team. insht
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white house on "good morrica here's a look at your wednesdae hail and gusty winds in om, sioux falls and des moines. up to 6 inches of rain and flash flooding in the dakotas and minnesota. showers from indianapolis to new heavy rain in the fo showers and thunderstorms in south texas. >> 90 in dallas. 86 in kansas city. 67 in minneapolis. 80s from boston to baltimore. 91 in atlanta. 65 in seattle. 76 in boise. 81 in salt lake city. well, he may be tiny but he's got the rest of the canine world licked. >> meet puggy, the new guinness record holder for the longest tongue of any dog in the world. yes, it is a freak show. he is a 10-year-old pekingese. puggy weighs 25 pounds, but get this, that massive tongue you see there extends a full 4 1/2 inches. >> oh, man. puggy may be laughing at the attention now but he was actually abandoned as a puppy because of that odd quality. puggy's owner says his tongue just adds to his character. it also brings smiles to a lot
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of faces. imagine that dog licking you in the face. >> weirdo. we'll be right back with more "world news now."
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a very interesting story here. the billionaire ceo versus the college student. apple's steve jobs is known to occasionally respond to e-mails from customers. >> one reply landed jobs in the middle of a heated argument with a journalism student who was looking for help with a paper. here's john berman. >> reporter: in this corner, worth $5.5 billion, the father of the ipod, i-phone, and ipad, apple ceo steve jobs. in this corner, a college senior with a paper due, chelsea isaacs. it started when isaacs was working on an assignment for her journalism class on the use of ipads in academic settings. she reached out to apple's media relations department for comment. when no one responded, chelsea went straight to the top. writing to steve jobs himself. she wrote --
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>> the completion of this article is crucial to my grade in the class. my deadline is tomorrow. >> reporter: a half hour later, this response from our goals do not include helping you get a good grade. sorry. chelsea, not deterred, jabs back. >> i never said that your goal should be to help me get a good grade. rather, i politely asked why your media relations team does not respond to e-mails. >> reporter: now jobs' turn. we have over 300 million users and we can't respond to their requests unless they involve a problem of some kind. sorry. and chelsea's turn. >> number one, i am one of your 300 million users. and number two, i do have a problem. i need answers that only apple media relations can answer. now, can they kindly respond to my request? my polite and friendly voice can be heard in the first five or ten messages in their inbox. please, i am on deadline. >> reporter: then finally the
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knockout blow from jobs. please leave us alone. please leave us alone? what kind of language is that from a corporate titan? >> i don't know as he said, you know what, if i send this response, maybe all these college students who e-mail on a daily basis will stop. >> reporter: in case you're wondering apple declined to comment on this story. while i did e-mail steve jobs for his reaction, he didn't write back. maybe i'm lucky. john berman, abc news. >> you know, i got to say i'm siding with the girl on this one. seems like he'd be a little friendlier to her, refer to his media people to deal with her. she's a college kid trying to get her paper done. >> oh my gosh. you're not going to believe this. >> wait a minute. >> we got an e-mail. we just got an e-mail. sandy, if you could pull up this e-mail to show people what we just got in. from steve jobs. >> steve! harsh! what's going on? >> i'm going to reply.
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>> really? what are you going to tell mr. jobs? >> i'm going to say, can i have a new nano? >> oh, man. >> that's what we think is funny around here, just go with it. >>
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well, chances are you may have seen an ad for a male enhancement pill during that commercial break. >> but there was no commercial for a female sex remedy called zestra. ashleigh banfield went looking for some answers. >> reporter: it's become part of our national conversation. things we might never have said on tv just a few years ago are now on every channel at every hour. >> levitra is only for men healthy enough for sexual activity. >> don't let erectile dysfunction get in the way. >> seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. >> reporter: the business for sex has never been sexier. >> the ads for viagra and the
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drugs like it are on during dinnertime, during primetime television, and nobody blinks an eye. because we just accept that it's okay to talk about men needing and wanting sexual pleasure and sexual function. >> reporter: are we just as okay when it comes to what a woman wants? maybe not. according to the "journal of the american medical association," more women suffer from sexual dysfunction than men do. 43% to 31%. with numbers like that, you'd think there would be just as many ads on tv hawking products to help women. >> no. >> reporter: enter rachel braun cheryl. and mary wallace yench. they run a company that makes zestra, a product helping women who struggle in the bedroom. >> it's botanical oils and extracts that is topically applied. it increases sensitivity to touch so a woman feels deep pleasurable sensations.
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she feels them more stronger, sooner, deeper, more intense. >> is it the magic pill? >> no, we wouldn't say it's a magic pill. what it does do is it really is the only product available today that women tell us works for them. >> reporter: women's sexual dysfunction is not quite as easy to remedy as men's. there can be several problem areas like pain, desire, arousal, and satisfaction. >> women are much more complex than men. we experience our sexuality in a context. >> reporter: zestra is a cosmetic, not a drug like viagra. still, its makers have run two placebo controlled clinical trials suggesting it's 70% effective. so why isn't it a household name? you'd think ads would be right up there beside the people in the bathtubs. >> there does seem to be, at least on the part of some of the networks in this nation, a real sense of squeamishness about the
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topic. >> what is behind the pushback? >> they tell us they don't do this category, and what we heard that means, because clearly they are doing that category -- >> viagra and cialis. >> yes. is i think there's some concern they'll get push-back from consumers, that there will be some sort of uproar, that people won't be comfortable with this message. >> reporter: the makers of zestra say they've approached more than 100 network and tv stations only to have their ads wholly rejected by 95% of them. and many of those who considered selling ad space have only done so with special caveats. >> we actually went back into our ad and took out literally any word sex, sexual, sexuality, and arousal. >> this is a product of arousal. >> exactly. >> how do you sell a product -- >> even short of that we took the same ad back without that language and they still told us they were not comfortable. >> reporter: it's not just tv putting up roadblocks to zestra's ads. it's radio and internet too. the popular website web md
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turned down their ad. one web md ad yielded three ads for cialis. facebook scrubbed an ad after only three weeks telling abc news, ads cannot contain, facilitate, promote or reference adult products. >> within a couple of weeks we got a notification from facebook that they were taking it down because they didn't cover things in this category, and very specific guideline language. at that same time they had a k-y intense ad on facebook. >> when you first got into the business did you have any idea this is what was going to -- >> no. >> it would never have occurred to us. >> we thought the hard part was going to be talking to our kids about what we do for a living. this was not on either of our radar screen that we would of a product that would work and was safe but we've got to keep it a secret. >> doesn't money talk? >> hasn't yet. >> reporter: this is ashleigh
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banfield in new york. >> interesting, during a recession that advertising dollars are being turned away. isn't that interesting? >> it really is obviously a double-edged sword. that's all i'm going to say. >> that is all you want to say? >> i hope to see zestra on market shelves.
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finally this half hour, something you really have to see to believe. an iowa man is recovering after having a worm removed from his eye. >> doctors as you can imagine have used some pretty high-tech methods to kill the intruder while also saving the man's vision.
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mark bury of kcrg in cedar rapids has more. >> reporter: john matthews loves to hunt turkeys and travel to foreign places like mexico. during one of those adventures something crawled inside his body. >> so small you don't feel it. >> reporter: when two dark spots appeared in his vision and his eyesight became blurry, he headed to the doctor. >> like looking through a muddy lens. >> reporter: doctors struggled to diagnose what was wrong with john's left eye. then r.f fohe first pte wed a middle of the retina. >> reporter: that's right. a microscopic worm was swimming >> actuas u underneath the retina of the eye and crawls around and actually eats the retina. >> reporter: there are only about 15 known cases like this in the world. >> the worm goes into the gut, digests in the gut, and actually doesn't crawl through blood vessels but crawls its way through tissue all the way for some reason to the eye and the brain. >> i was never freaked out by it. when they said, you've got a
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worm in your eye, it wasn't get it out. it was, what do we do now? >> reporter: minutes later dr. folk armed himself with a laser and put the worm in the crosshairs. john was awake the alcohol time and kept thinking -- >> hurry up and kill the thing. good shooting, doc. >> this thing was thrashing around violently. i mean, it was -- it would be like one of those titan movies of "iron man" or something like this. >> reporter: the worm is dead. but john must do computer exercises to strengthen his eye. his vision has improved but may never return to normal. >> sharpshooting days are over. >> reporter: for the rest of his life john will be on a different kind of hunting expedition, to see if any doctor can restore his eyesight. in see-cedar rapids -- >> fascinating case to say the least. the scary thing to me is there are 15 known cases of this in the world, which means scary as it is it's not just once that it's happened. >> so wild. incredible what they can do. also incredible, facebook, man. we broke the threshold.
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as mentiond d d d d d d d d d d
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crucial coverage. vital new health care policies go into effect this week. why struggling families can't wait. then, sorry situation. >> i thought i was backed up against the wall. as a parent. >> after an angry father's outburst on a school bus. and, expert exterminators. the latest weapon to fight bedbugs. it's wednesday, september 22nd. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> bedbugs have certainly hit new york hard. i know they haven't really hit the rest of the nation. but the one takeaway is that people are saying that what happens in new york usually is an indicator about what happens throughout the remainder of the country the next five years. >> lucky america.
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>> yeah, exactly. >> i've lived here two and a half months. i'm freaking out over the bedbug thing. i find one, i'm moving. it's been fun, i'm out of here. >> the siege is under way. >> they're invading. >> you'll hear much more about ways to stop the siege coming up. good morning and thanks for being with us. i'm vinita nair. >> i'm rob nelson. tomorrow marks six months since congress passed that historic health care overhaul plan. >> two key components of the new law kick in tomorrow. as jake tapper reports, the help can't come soon enough for some struggling americans. >> reporter: the triplets were born ten weeks prematurely. myra suffered the most serious problems. she had a kidney transplant at just 2 1/2. >> ready? >> i don't need any help. >> reporter: but the wisconsin toddler does need help. at just 4 years old, she's already hit her $500,000 lifetime cap for insurance coverage. meaning -- >> they won't pay the claims. >> reporter: until now. >> some of the worst abuses, if
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you will, of the insurance companies, are going to cease to exist. >> reporter: as of thursday, insurance companies will no longer be allowed to stop providing coverage to customers because of technical errors on past applications or impose lifetime dollar limits on essential benefits, the problem facing myra. >> a huge weight has been lifted off our shoulders. >> reporter: as of thursday if you're in any of these groups you can call your insurance company to take advantage of these new rules. another big benefit is for children with pre-existing conditions. insurance companies are no longer allowed to deny them coverage. children like christine rose's 7-year-old son, alex, who has a rare bleeding disorder. medication can run $30,000 a month. more than a dozen providers have refused to offer alex a policy because of this pre-existing condition. >> at one point we stopped applying because it didn't seem like it was worth my time anymore to continue, i knew what the answer was going to be.
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>> reporter: now rose insurance company will have to offer her son a plan. although she's concerned about what it will cost. >> if it's going to cost me an arm and a leg i can't say it helps me. >> reporter: wednesday, president obama will meet with a number of insurance commissioners from around the country to talk about enacting these new consumer protections. jake tapper, abc news, the white house. the man at the center of a widespread recall of eggs linked to salmonella is expected to apologize today. that's from this morning's "des moines register." the paper says the owner of an egg production company investigated since that salmonella scare will apologize to the people who got sick. the report also says the iowa company will not resume selling fresh eggs until its farms are free of disease. the apology is expected on hearings today on capitol hill. it was as close as it could have possibly been as the senate inched toward repealing the don't ask, don't tell policy for gays in the military.
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>> but when the votes were counted that effort came up just short. john hendren has the deais from washington. hi, john. >> reporter: good morning, vinita arob if you want ndif in november is, congress was within one vote of repealing the don't ask, don't tell they hadvote yesterday. to repeal don't ask, don't tell, democrats needed senator susan collins. >> i think it's the right thing to do. i think it's only fair. >> reporter: but when they closed off debate on the effort to overturn the ban on gays serving openly in the military, they lost her. >> now is not the time to play politics simply because an election is looming in a few weeks. >> reporter: the repeal had its opponents. >> it's a dumb thing to do, to try to use the defense authorization bill in times of war to advance a liberal agenda. >> reporter: but it was an issue of rare agreement for 60 senators. the number it takes to move a bill. and they had a colorful spokeswoman, lady gaga.
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>> i'm here because don't ask, don't tell is wrong. >> reporter: daring republicans to say no, democrats added the repeal to a $726 billion bill to authorize military spending for next year. now, many gay troops fear they've lost a crucial chance to change the law before the elections and perhaps face a less sympathetic congress. >> on the battlefield, it does not matter whether a service member is lesbian, gay, or straight. what matters is that a service member gets the job done. >> reporter: perhaps, but until the law is repealed, at the pentagon, it still matters. a california court has overturned the ban on gay troops but without a repeal the law could remain on the books and in force through years of legal appeals. vinita and rob? from latin america now, two sports venues collapsed. in brazil about 500 spectators were crowded into the stands at a racetrack when the bleachers came crashing down. more than 110 people were injured in sunday's collapse, more than 20 of them critically. a structural problem may be to blame.
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and in the capital of honduras, a strong storm brought down a large section of a soccer stadium. one person was killed by the falling debris yesterday, and six others were injured. parts of the building hit nearby cars. there were no events at the stadium at the time. a florida father is apologizing for storming a school bus in an incident that sparked debate across the country. videotape showed him confronting students he thought were bullying his daughter. here now is matt gutman. >> reporter: mr. jones admitted that in this fit of rage -- >> this is my daughter! [ bleep ]. >> reporter: he had become what he hoped to fight. >> yes, at that time i was a bully. and i apologize again for that. >> reporter: it was an apology both public and emotional. >> i thought i was backed up against the wall as a parent and i didn't know where else to go. >> reporter: last week as they waited for the school bus, jones' 13-year-old daughter, who has cerebral palsy, broke down, telling her dad of her daily torture on the bus.
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that she was poked with pencils, slapped, spit on. he erupted. >> this is my daughter! [ bleep ]! >> reporter: her father's tirade earned him a trip to the county jail on disorderly conduct charges but also a blossoming support group on facebook. and deborah jones tried to explain why her husband of 15 years had become so enraged. >> she's a beautiful young lady who will give her last if she has it, and she would step in for others who have been bullied or been pushed around. >> reporter: his newfound folk hero status didn't seem to matter much to the printer whose favorite pastime is cooking with his kids. >> it's not about me, it's about kids that are getting bullied, going to school, even if you're walking to school. my action was very much out of line, out of character for me. >> reporter: so out of character that he urged parents to seek help from school officials first before doing something they, like he, would regret. matt gutman, abc news, miami. the hot summer weather may
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be to blame for a short supply of a favorite fall crop. farmers in indiana say the pumpkin harvest is disappointing this year. there could be a shortage by halloween. the pumpkins you will find on the market could be smaller than usual due to intense summer heat and very little rain. and here's a look now at your forecast. stormy from nebraska and south dakota to illinois with 70-mile-an-hour winds, hail, heavy rain and flash flooding. showers in the ohio valley and new england. up to 4 inches of rain in arizona, new mexico, utah and colorado. thunderstorms in texas and louisiana. >> 89 in new orleans. 88 in miami. 83 here in new york. 82 in omaha. 75 in detroit. 65 in fargo. phoenix will hit 91. sacramento 77. colorado springs is 80 degrees. he's lived in three centuries. he's seen 21 presidents in office. and he is still going strong. >> the world's oldest man just celebrated his 114th birthday at a nursing home in montana.
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walter bruning was born september 21st, 1896. he was a railroad worker for half a century. yesterday he told a crowd to get the most out of life and enjoy accomplishments. >> his wife died in 1957, and they never had any kids. but he gets so many visitors that he now takes them by appointment only. >> wow. >> keep on keeping on. >> we'll be right back with more "world news now." hó
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a google street view has helped millions of people with directions by literally mapping roads worldwide. >> it also has delivered a few maps that really make you do a double-take at your screen. turning street views into a kind of where's waldo. here's nick watt. >> reporter: a body on the street.
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a body of a young girl. is this a murder? caught on street view. a concerned surfer contacted the local newspaper to go down there and investigate it. turns out she's fine. a 9-year-old girl who just happened to be playing dead when a street view camera car passed by. the latest in an explosion of street view strangeness. an apparent san francisco break-in. aging italian lotharios. checking it out. a dutch contractor showing crack. an arrest in st. louis. and -- yeah. there are websites cataloging this stuff. if either of us were one of the people caught walking in or out of a sex shop on street view, we might not think this is quite so funny. >> no, but you can report the image as inappropriate. if it's your house you can say i want this removed. google are very quick at taking those images down. >> reporter: they blur all faces
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and license plates anyway but here are a couple of images that google has removed. and one they probably will remove upon seeing this report. we did the blurring. i'm sorry to say there's a whole site devoted to prostitutes spotted on street view. to the uninitiated here's how street view works. google camera cars drive around photographing streets, they've done 23 countries so far. then you click and drag the little orange man onto any street you want. voila. some people seem to know the cameras are coming and put on a little show. on a suburban norwegian street -- >> two men sitting in full scuba gear with umbrellas start chasing the car down the road with pitchforks. >> reporter: others are happy to see the cars. this english woman -- yes, exactly. this danish guy tried to take a
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photo of the car and wiped out. others are just weird. horse boy's been spotted twice in northern scotland. others are angry. the germans, next in line for street view, are concerned. for me it's a question of principle, claims their foreign minister. i will do all i can to prevent it. more likely compromise, by which any german can demand his house is not shown. in the u.s., google is under investigation after admitting that its cars mistakenly sucked up personal information that's flying around in wi-fi hot spots. but today, the most interesting street view snaps are the random catches. slices of life that people don't know they're people watched. >> half of the things you see haven't even been filmed yet. >> reporter: plenty of weirdness is spotted every day. mostly by accident. i actually go on street view with the express purpose of trying to find something.
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you could be on there for days. >> you could be on there for the rest of your life. >> reporter: but if you uncover a doozy, could it all be worth it? i'm nick watt in london. >> for the directionally and geographically challenged like me, google's been a huge, huge help. >> amazing to see what they've done, you can see any street like that. >> it creeps you out a little bit. in case you're doing something -- >> what are you doing on the streets people shouldn't see, rob? >> and we'll be right back. wcwc
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it's "skinny" time. we have a quick update. "dancing with the stars" booted off the first person. >> the hoff is out of there. >> a lot of people didn't think he would be the first one. he says it was a great ride, his daughter blamed it on his bad knees, they called it an
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arthritic cha-cha. he was tied with the lowest score with margaret cho. now he is gone. no more of the hoff. >> bye-bye, right? we'll update you every week as all these stars get cast aside. different kind of news here too. apparently the son of aretha franklin was involved in some kind of incident in detroit monday night. he was apparently attacked. there's weird discrepancies in the story, stories that are coming out at this point. they say there was a press release from the spokeswoman of the family saying he was attacked by two men and a woman late monday, had to go into surgery. but they're saying -- these are where the differences come in. the hospital said he came here, was treated and released, but there was no surgery. then they say the attack happened near a gas station, police come out and say, wait a minute, there's not a gas station in that area. they're trying to piece together what happened here. no official report just yet. apparently there was some kind of attack but kind of the
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details of the treatment and the details of why and how is still up in the air. we hope whatever happened he's okay. kind of a weird story. stay tuned to that one. >> they've had lately some bad news in that family. >> a lot, man. >> our prayers of course with the family. >> always. >> hope everything's okay. james gandolfini has gotten so used to playing a mobster i think he forgot the rest of us have to follow the rules. >> tony! >> he's in his truck in hollywood and he gets pulle over. not only is heing sop not tan hill ing sop holreadlice people oded truck, now he basicallyto that is willing him a ride from h her probably pretty easy >> ca ou pul over? i think initially you'd b y y t alluge "sopranos" he'll call his dhav this will not surprise you whatsoever here.
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"the jersey shore," your favorite reality show of all-time. guess who's going to pose for "playboy." jwoww is apparently being offered 400,000 bucks to bare it all in the covers of "playboy" magazine. >> wow, bare more than that? >> that's the deal, apparently -- this is not a first. many reality stars have shed it all for the magazine. she's the latest to be offered. can't imagine her saying no. it's not a done deal just yet. $400,000. >> do they know when she would be -- i guess she has to say yes first. >> say yes first and work out the time line. she obviously has had some surgical enhancements. i wonder how it will detract from the spread. they are kind of blatantly not hers. >> i'm sure you'll give me the full report. >> i'll do some journalism on that. >> michael douglas was on the red carpet for the premiere of "wall street: money never sleeps." of course it's the big sequel. you know he's struggling with throat cancer. his co-workers, i guess i should
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say actors, they're saying he put on a really brave face, they say it's been a struggle, certainly tough, but he's a fighter.
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here are some stories to watch today on abc news. president obama meets with dozens of state insurance commissioners today to discuss new health care policies. then the president heads to new york for tomorrow's u.n. general assembly meeting. researchers say one-quarter of the nation's highways are in rough shape. a new study out this morning shows the average american motorist spends $400 a year on car repairs because of those bad roads. actor kevin costner is on capitol hill today. he will testify at a security hearing on the gulf oil disaster. finally this half hour, beating back bedbugs. those little suckers have literally invaded america, turning up just about everywhere now. >> homes to hotels, even clothing stores, and there are new weapons to fight the pests.
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barbara pinto reports from the north american bedbug summit. >> reporter: the war on bedbugs has come to this -- a first-ever national convention showcasing the latest weapons. dogs trained to detect the tiny insects and devices that kill them. basically this is how they hitch a ride? >> right, bedbugs will hitch a ride in your stuff, in your belongings. >> reporter: this electric heater bakes at 120 degrees, killing any stowaways. if they infest your furniture, this trailer-sized version is big enough for mattresses. warren chasnick goes to the other extreme, freezing the bugs. >> it will kill them on contact. >> so this makes snow? >> yes, it does. i'll show you. >> reporter: scott lindie, an exterminator, came all the way to chicago from new jersey. >> ten out of ten calls just on bedbugs. >> reporter: that's because the blood-sucking insects have grown more resistant to pesticides. the state of ohio was so
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desperate it petitioned the epa to use a banned chemical to fight them. killing these tiny bugs costs big money, almost $1,000 for the average home, thousands more for businesses and apartment buildings. none of it is covered by insurance. that's what scared adam garvin. he works for the housing authority in bloomington, illinois. >> i could have a building with one apartment having bedbugs to having 100 apartments. >> reporter: urban areas are the hardest hit. the most infested cities stretch from coast to coast. at the top, new york, where bedbugs have invaded movie theaters, retail stores, even the empire state building. >> we actually use new york city as a barometer for what we think is going to happen across the country in the next five to ten years. >> reporter: that may be enough to keep you up at night. barbara pinto, abc news, >> oh, man, l vinit. an >> she's gone, folks. new benefits. >> she's gone, folks.
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